Thursday, March 3, 2011

44 Inch Chest (2010)

A talky (more on that in a second) British gangster drama from first time director Malcolm Venville and screenwriters Louis Mellis and David Scinto (the man responsible for the fantastic "Sexy Beast"). It's weird, I know this film is flawed; it's a little claustrophobic with the bulk of the action taking place in one room. The plot kind of stops mid-way, which has an odd anti-climactic effect. And the flashback, fantasy/reality structure doesn't always play. However, I found this very entertaining. The reason for that is the dialog and the performances. The script, generously peppered with "cunts" and "fucks", is a joy to the ears. The actors are having a blast with their foul-mouthed characters. Ray Winstone is heartbreaking and terrifying, John Hurt hasn't been this lively in years, and Ian McShane camps it up and is proving to be one of the most effortlessly magnetic actors around. I can't overstate how good the cast is, or how bizarre and hilarious (and occasionally, surprisingly affecting) the dialog is. See this, I look forward to your angry e-mails.

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