Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010)

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World vs. my gag reflex. The next "Michael Cera Movie" has already become a red flag for movie goers (this tanked at the box office) and he's gone a long way to squander any goodwill he had coming off of Arrested Development. Honestly, besides "Superbad", and whatever that piece of shit with Jack Black was called, what has he done that hasn't followed the "emo geek with a heart of gold" formula? And now that youth and innocence are fading from his face, he's going from "unconventionally cute" to "quite ugly". This has so many stereotypes: the bitchy gay, the overbearing Asian girlfriend, the unattainable cool girl (with, gasp, pink hair!). Then there's the soundtrack wallpapered with forgettable indie garbage. Throw in some comic book superhero bullshit, and you've got movie gold! At least Universal seemed to think so, they sunk something like 90 million dollars into this turkey and it didn't even make half of that. They even made a fucking video game! What is this? Honestly, who did they think would enjoy this? There are one and a half jokes in this, but a chuckle or two doesn't make you forget that you're watching an annoying mess. This is a bunch of studio executives in their forties taking a stab at an indie comedy aimed at the youth market. No one knows what's cool more than an executive in their forties, right?


  1. Micheal Cera. No two words are scarier for a movie , unless its Nicholas Cage *shudder*

  2. best movie ever... you guys are fucked it made me cry tears of pure amazement.

  3. Agreed Loompa66. Go fuck yourself FRANK.
